Friday, 23 May 2008


I just LOVE going to school with Little Female, I've made loads and loads of friends, I know most of the dogs in the area now and I love all the kids, they all know me, play with me and stroke me every morning.
Azzy keeps me on the lead though as if she let me off to run round with them (which I am dying to do!) she says I would end up knocking them over by jumping up at them. I get a bit too giddy sometimes and am too heavy and clumsy, It's not fat though! It's all muscle!

Two of my older friends we see there are a lady called Dot, she always brings me bickies and treats and the other lady is Val, she turned up the other day with two great big bones she had got from the butcher.

Val has a little dog herself but it seems she couldn't resist buying these bones just for me, I can only show pics of one of them as I have already eaten the other! (It was a great big knuckle one).
Big Male complained to Azzy about giving me a raw bone, he thinks it will make me poorly but Azzy said "He's a dog, dogs eat bones, anyway I don't have anything big enough to cook it in!"
Big Male also complained about my breath smelling of raw meat and fat, maybe I shouldn't have burped right in his face when I jumped up to say hello when he came home from work!!!
Azzy thanked Val and told her it had kept me lovely and quiet for six whole hours. I had lay in the back garden all day with it. Yum! I must admit I tried three times to bring it in and lie on the carpet to have a good chew but Azzy just pointed to the garden and said in a stern voice "Outside!" and being the good little lad that I am, that's where I took it.
I only came back in at three o'clock when she called me for our walk to school to pick up Little Female. Of course I dragged them both back as fast so I could to get back out in the garden and to my lovely bone!


Unknown said...

I'd say that that does look yummy! It would probably look even more yummy if I were a dog!

AZZITIZZ said...

My Mum Azzy thinks it looks like part of a human leg or arm!
But she can assure you all, her Hubby is still alive and well and all in one piece!
Although, if he gets on her nerves too much, she has suggested I may get a lot more bones to eat.
He! He!

Love Max X

i beati said...

Careful of sharp chards of bone my good man- happy dog sandy